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Life’s Just No Fun

From the UK comes the absolutely fantastic Banners and once more he gives us the chance to be part of something special, courtesy of "Life's Just No Fun". With this bittersweet yet honest blend of melodies and lyrics, he explores how life can change when someone who was so important, is no longer there, and all points to that person not coming back. It's a uniquely poetic and cinematic showcase of feelings and emotions that is sure to speak to more than a few listeners from the moment it starts.

There's something about "Life's Just No Fun" that just pulls you in with such natural understanding of the fragile nature behind our human condition. It just that sometimes people do make each day better, and them not being there takes away a bit of the magic we had gotten used to. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet caress of this captivating must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"I bought the piano of my dreams. Some strong men carried it up some stairs for me. Then when they went away I wrote this song on it. It's about how life just isn't as good when that one person isn't in it. I really love Regina Spektor so much and I think this song is a bit Regina Spektor-y. I'm listening to it now and I think I might even put a little Regina Spektor accent on in one bit."

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