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From the US comes an amazing musical collaboration, courtesy of Madge and Portugal. The Man, say hello to the world of "TALL GRASS". With this track we get a taste of something special and quite unique, a sonic realm that embraces us whole and offers each of us a chance to be part of an adventure. It's a soundscape that blends melodies and lyrics in such a free and rebellious fashion, that you can't help but need and want more and more of it.

"TALL GRASS" is a welcomed addition to any playlist that offers music lovers a chance to experience two distinct and amazing sounds coming together. It really is a one-of-a-kind song that understands how to click with all who listen on a way that is quite intoxicating and captivating. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"I met Portugal. The Man via friends and immediately began to bug them about a collab. We bounced ideas back and forth for months and collaged together the final product as a Frankenstein of all our virtual exchanges. We have the most insane text trail of messages, lyrics, voice notes, and pics. I feel proud that we made it happen."

Madge about "TALL GRASS"

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