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I’ll Be Here

Editor's Notes A mature and relatable tale about love and understanding.
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US-based indie singer/songwriter Joel Ansett comes to us with the beautifully honest sonic creation that is "I'll Be Here". With this refreshing showcase of feelings and emotions, he explores the reality of relationships, where nothing is always perfect and sometimes the other side might push you away, but the love is there and you know it well. He knows that we all have our flaws and love is not about finding perfection but about embracing the entire truth of the other person.

With "I'll Be Here" he gives space yet stays there, close by just in case that person needs a shoulder, an ear, a hand or anything else. He understood everything and managed to perfectly showcase what life and love actually look like in a way that is quite romantic and beautiful from start to end. So listen closely and find a bit of yourself and the one you love within the confines of this fantastic must-listen gem. Enjoy!

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"I know when I'm in a bad place I start to push people away right at the moment when I need them most, and it can become its own kind of isolation spiral. This tune is about sticking it out and staying close to each other in those vulnerable moments."

Joel Ansett about "I'll Be Here"

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