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Take Me Back

From India comes the absolutely amazing indie duo Gouri and Aksha with their latest single, say hello to the sonic realm of "Take Me Back". With this beautifully captivating and uniquely relatable blend of melodies and lyrics they invite us to reminisce about the past and all that makes it up. It's a track that understands how everything connects and leads to create the version of us we are today, guiding us through ups and downs that lead to this very moment. It's a gentle reminder that everything is part of a whole and we should embrace it all with open arms.

"Take Me Back" is a refreshingly inviting and down-to-earth showcase of feelings and emotions that are sure to click with all who listen from start to end. So dive into this wonderfully familiar unknown realm and find a bit of peace and warmth within it. Listen and enjoy the ride that awaits us all inside the world of this must-listen gem.

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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