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Editor's Notes An intoxicating and truly captivating indie soundscape.

From the US comes the fantastic indie singer/songwriter decker. with his latest musical creation, say hello to "Supernovae". With this intoxicating mix of old school psychedelia and contemporary storytelling, he grabs a hold of us from start to end, never letting go. The track is absolutely fantastic and manages to simply click as it takes shape and form, blending melodies and lyrics so perfectly and with such natural charm.

There's something about "Supernovae" that is just so mesmerizing and unique, caressing our senses and speaking to our very souls from the moment we press play. This soundscape comes to us with a welcome dose of surreal unknown that is quite marvelous and enticing, letting us explore and become one with what dwells within it. So listen closely and fall prey to the magical touch that makes this must-listen so special. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“Supernovae is a song about walking through the darkness boldly. When we face the storms of life, there are times when that alienation can cause a bit of hesitancy or retreat. Then there are these times when the “nothing to lose” reality emboldens us. We remember that each moment has to be lived courageously because otherwise life is so absurdly temporary. There’s immense freedom in there.”


More of decker.


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