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Through The Eyes Of A Woman

From Denmark comes the uber-talented Swedish indie artist Lucky Lo with her latest musical masterpiece, say hello to "Through The Eyes Of A Woman". With this fantastic showcase of feelings and emotions, she gives life to a tale that feels so vivid and lush from start to end. It's a soundscape that embraces us whole and invites to see a reality that many men don't like to accept or even look at. It's song that explores the topic of choice and how and why it should a personal matter and not one that the many try to control.

"Through The Eyes Of A Woman" is a beautifully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics that aims to speak to all in a way that it's clear and concise from the moment we press play. It's a track that does not cower at what many consider a taboo topic but instead gives us all that chance to learn something new and look through the eyes of the other side. So listen closely and explore this very human and honest must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“With every birth comes pain. And often a good kind, because the pain brings life. But it should be a free choice for the owner of the body whether to go through this pain or not. This made me want to make a song that both celebrates the strength of the female body and at the same time recognising the pain we are subjected to — both by our own anatomy and also by society”

Lucky Lo about "Through The Eyes Of A Woman"

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"Through The Eyes Of A Woman" Music Video

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