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Summa Glo

Editor's Notes A refreshingly freeing and captivating musical creation.

Australian indie band Apricot Ink come to Wolf in a Suit with something different and quite welcomed, say hello to "Summa Glo". With this refreshingly playful blend of melodies and lyrics they invite us to explore it and find a sweet taste bliss waiting inside it. The track flows with such natural charm that we can't help but need and want more and more of it as our finger moves on it's own after it ends to keep the experience going pressing play once more.

There's something quite relaxing and freeing about "Summa Glo" that just hits the spot and puts a smile in our faces as the soundscape unfolds and pulls us in. This is a special track that does not aim to get us thinking too much, but simply invites us to let go of all that holds us back so that we can have one hell of a good time. So listen closely and fall prey to the intoxicating magic of this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“It’s letting go of necessity, embracing bliss and romantic chaos. A lustful summa over a little too soon”

Sara from Apricot Ink about "Summa Glo"

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