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Live a Little (Gold)

Editor's Notes A beautifully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics that speaks to us with a welcomed dose of honesty.

UK-based indie singer/songwriter Joonas comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time with the sonic creation that is "Live a Little (Gold)". With this bittersweet yet stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, he opens up his heart and soul to tell a story so human and so raw. The track flows with ease, caressing our senses and letting us feel an instant connection as the verses connect and this tale takes shape and form.

There's something about "Live a Little (Gold)" that is sure to click in one way or another as he lets us see a bit of what resides within him. So listen closely, embrace the fragile honest of the verses and fall prey to the inviting beauty of this fantastic must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"'Live a Little' is a song for when you are young and free, but awake at night, overthinking; a song for when think you love partying, but then you sneak away to smoke a cigarette on the roof. It’s a song for when you are heartbroken but you can’t fully understand why. Intimate, folky, dreamy and painful, but most of all honest - something I’ve never really been before."


More of Joonas