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Say Something Else


From Norway comes the fantastic and uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Ea Othilde with her latest, say hello to "Say Something Else". With this uniquely enticing and haunting blend of melodies and lyrics, she gives life to a tale so human, so real and so refreshingly raw. The track flows with ease through the airwaves, caressing our senses as it pulls us in to be part of this tale bound to connect with more than a few listeners.

The realm of "Say Something Else" is a cinematic and lush one that embraces us whole from the moment we press play, speaking to us with words that are palpable and true. This soundscape invites us to sing along as we find ourselves feeling this tale become as much ours as it is hers. So listen closely and find a bit of yourself within the confines of this hypnotizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"‘Say Something Else’ is an expression of disappointment over someone who can’t change their destructive behaviour."

Ea Othilde

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