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Love Fools

Editor's Notes A vivid and honest bittersweet soundscape.
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Up-and-coming US-based indie singer/songwriter maryjo comes to Wolf in a Suit with the bittersweet sonic creation that is "Love Fools". With this stunning and powerful blend of melodies and lyrics, she opens up her heart and soul and paints a picture so real and so raw. The track unfolds with such passion and such honest emotions that you can't help but be hypnotized by it as you find a bit of yourself within it. There's something about this soundscape that simply knows how to grab a hold of your heart and make you part of this story that's unfolding from start to end.

"Love Fools" is without a shadow of a doubt a relatable story, a fine showcase of the human experience and a truly stunning must-listen gem. So listen closely and fall down the rabbit hole to the world of this one-of-a-kind sonic realm. Enjoy!

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