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Rather Kill My Feelings

From Sweden comes the always amazing indie singer/songwriter Flora Summers with her latest release, say hello to "Rather Kill My Feelings". With this wonderfully honest and human showcase of feelings and emotions she opens up her heart and soul to paint a picture that is sure to connect with more than a few listeners. It's a soundscape that embrace the fragile truth of our condition and how personal the experience of life and love can be.

"Rather Kill My Feelings" is a wonderfully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics that flows through the airwaves with ease, caressing our senses and pulling us in. It's a tale that understands how we all see life differently and what comes easy to some, by not be the same for others. So listen closely and fall prey to the intoxicating charm and subtle warm of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“The song is written like a snapshot with too little and too much emotion all at once. I've always seen my parents as a very happy couple, but I've never believed I'll ever find something like they have. Like I wouldn't have the personality required for it.”

Flora Summers about "Rather Kill My Feelings"

More of Flora Summers

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