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Head In The Sand, Finger On The Trigger (feat. FLASCH)

UK-based indie band Artio joins forces with the US-based artist FLASCH and together they give life to the world of "Head In The Sand, Finger On The Trigger". With this electrifying and refreshingly rebellious blend of melodies and lyrics they embrace the fight that a group of people are unfortunately living through. They give us a powerful soundscape that could easily serve as the anthem for this revolution, as they rediscover their voice and make sure the world listens.

There's something about "Head In The Sand, Finger On The Trigger" that just knows how to grab a hold of you and pull you into a reality that might not be yours, but you definitely need to be aware of it. It's a track that embraces that fire that music can bring and makes sure to burn everything around it from the moment we press play. So listen closely and dive into the unknown of this mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“Head In The Sand, Finger On The Trigger, is a rage track about the state of the antitrans rhetoric in media and politics right now, especially in the US. With dystopian dictators like Ron DeSantis
criminalizing the trans existence, stripping rights away from CHILDREN as well as post transition adults and dubbing DRAG a sex crime punishable by death, whilst anyone can buy a military grade assault weapon and shoot up a school.

The hypocrisy and downright evilness of the right-wing governing bodies make me both sick to my stomach with fear and disgust as well as full of the most primal rage I’ve ever felt. Teaming up with LA nonbinary artist FLASCH, we express our love to our trans siblings and our fury at those putting our lives in danger for simply existing. The revolution is coming, and we offer our service to soundtrack it.”

Rae of Artio about "Head In The Sand, Finger On The Trigger"

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