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Petty Bitch

Up-and-coming US-based indie singer/songwriter Arden Alexa comes to Wolf in a Suit with the sonic tale that is "Petty Bitch". With this refreshingly rebellious, honest and relatable blend of melodies and lyrics she gives herself a chance to heal and move past a friendship that is now broken. I am sure that more than a few listeners will find a bit of themselves within these verses, as they embody a lot of what many want to say when things go the wrong way in what you though was a solid relationship.

There's something about "Petty Bitch" that feels so freeing, so fun and so electric as it invites you to sing, dance and feel it as much yours as it is hers. It's a soundscape that hits the spot and embraces you whole, letting your imagination connect with what your memories might hold. So listen closely and fall prey to the intoxicating magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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