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Get Lost

California-based indie singer/songwriter Windser comes to Wolf in a Suit for the first time with the sonic creation that is "Get Lost". With this captivating blend of melodies and lyrics he invites us to explore the unknown nature of life and search for our happiness in it. It understands the reality of this quest, embracing the ups and downs that are part of it with the right attitude and push to achieve something.

There's something about "Get Lost" that just clicks with each listener, pulling us all in and letting us connect the dots and feel this tale as much ours as it is his. This is a special soundscape that flows like silk, caressing our senses and lighting a fire inside our souls. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet touch of this captivating must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"The song to me is about the desire for freedom and happiness in times of anxiety and depression. Sometimes that’s running away, leaving home, being in the wilderness, and eventually finding harmony in the great unknown. Sometimes not knowing what the future holds can be the greatest comfort of all." 

Windser about "Get Lost"

More of Windser