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Past Life

US-based indie band Rebel Kicks comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and they give us the pleasure the explore the world of "Past Life". With this wonderfully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics they allow us to think about love, life, and destiny in a way that is quite endearing and magical. It's a soundscape that aims to understand the wonderful idea that is part of the red string theory of fate.

"Past Life" embraces the unknown and intangible nature of fate in such intoxicating and inviting fashion, making it quite easy to connect with the song. It's a soundscape that dwells in the land where the surreal and the palpable meet and together they give us a tale that is sure to speak to our hearts and souls. So listen closely and just let go of what you think you know as you fall prey to the mesmerizing touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"'Past Life' was inspired by the unexplainable feeling like you've known someone forever, but you're only meeting them for the first time. It's an exploration of the intangible, instant connection that sometimes happens between people, almost as if some invisible force has drawn you to each other."

Rebel Kicks

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