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Part Of You

US-based indie singer/songwriter Rowan Drake comes to Wolf in a Suit with the bittersweet yet honest sonic creation that is "Part Of You". With this track he explores deep within his heart and soul in order to paint a picture that is quite rare, yet has dwelled inside us. The song explores those moments in which we hope to remain as a memory that can't be compared to, so as to make things harder for someone else to move on. It's selfish, a bit childish but so real and so human, it's a wish that we all have had when our hearts get broken yet we still care for that person.

"Part Of You" is wonderfully fragile yet mesmerizing soundscape, that caresses our senses and invites us to realize that we are not alone. We all thought of that, it doesn't make us bad or weak, it's simply honest and true to our hearts pain and wishes. So listen closely and explore the relatable and uniquely ethereal realm of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“’Part of You’ represents the brief moments where I find myself hoping the person I love never finds more than me. That I am the love who she will compare others to for the rest of her life. It’s a selfish song that I hope conveys the dark times where our insecurities take over and make us hold on tightly to those around us. It’s important to shed light on these moments. Even if we aren’t proud of them. They exist. We are not alone in them.”

Rowan Drake

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