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Over the Moon

The uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Lily Meola opens up her heart and soul to share the sonic realm of "Over the Moon". With this beautifully captivating and honest blend of melodies and lyrics she invites us to see another side of love, and how depression can affect this adventure. It's a track that embraces us whole, painting a picture so human and so palpable, one that I am sure quite a few listeners will connect with.

Depression is not something one can make disappear, it can be controlled sometimes, but other times it just needs to be, because nothing will make it go to sleep. It can affect relationships, but loving someone with depression means being prepare to give it a little extra, because when they are good, they will give that extra right back at you. It's hard, I know it, but pay attention carefully and really listen to what "Over The Moon" has to share with you because it might be a wonderful and valuable lesson to hold on to.

"Over The Moon" is a song that I can connect with, for I know depression, we share meals daily, and yes I had someone in my life who did not understand this, but now...I don't. I want to take this chance to thank my wife for being understanding and loving me a little extra on the days that my depression takes a hold of me with a firmer grasp. And also thank Lily for sharing this and putting words to these moments in which I (and others) felt lost and insecure as we walked away slowly but surely from someone else.

So listen closely, let these verses pull you in and fall prey to the sweet caress and the welcomed magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"This song is about what it was like for me to be depressed while having a partner who doesn’t understand what that feels like; feeling unloved when you need love the most is surely difficult. Writing this and getting to sing it live has been such a great way to express these emotions I kept so bottled up."

Lily Meola

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"Over The Moon" by Lily Meola Music Video

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