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Open Arms

Editor's Notes From Canada comes a stunning and powerful blend of melodies and lyrics.

From Canada comes the gentle and powerful voice of Ruby Waters and she graces us with her latest single, say hello to “Open Arms”. With a refreshing dose of honest feelings and emotions, she gives us a song meant to speak to our hearts and souls from start to end. The track is fantastic in every way as it speaks of what it means to be human in a way that is rarely heard, inviting us to accept life with open arms for it is ours and there’s nothing to be ashamed.

Her voice caresses our senses in a way that makes us feel at ease as if she was speaking to us and only us, making us feel safe and in a way, happy to be understood. There’s something about this soundscape that makes it not only a great addition for any playlist but a therapeutic tool that invites us to open up. So listen close and fall prey to the sweet magical touch of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: Canada

For Apple Music click HERE

More of Ruby Waters