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modern disaster

Editor's Notes Introspective, honest and absolutely intoxicating blend of melodies and lyrics.

German indie singer/songwriter Eveline comes to the land of the Wolf in a Suit once more and offers us all a chance to explore the soundscape of "modern disaster". With this stunning and absolutely intoxicating blend of melodies and lyrics, she explore the reality of our modern existence in a way that is quite hypnotizing from the moment you press play. Her voice guides us through this realm that has been crafted with such care and attention to detail, and once in it you find hundreds of reflections of yourself. She speaks of the modern need for recognition, the fragile nature of our minds, the blurry lines that started to appear when it comes to relationships and so much more.

With "modern disaster" she offers our senses a chance to explore a land unknown yet strangely, so easy to connect for all the verses paint pictures that are real and palpable. So listen closely and fall prey to this must-listen gem that is sure to find a home within you. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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