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Lady Messiah

From the UK comes the always amazing indie band Corella, and they come to us with the wonderfully inspiring musical creation that is "Lady Messiah". With this fantastic blend of melodies and lyrics we get a chance to be reminded of all the special women that are part of our lives, giving us a beautiful and much-welcomed dose of their magic. It's a soundscape that embraces you whole and let's your senses instantly connect with it, as it unfolds and comes alive from the moment you press play.

There's something about "Lady Messiah" that is just so freeing, so captivating and the reminder it brings, is one that made me smile, because I realized how blessed I am by those amazing women. I hope that when you listen to this track, you think the same, and are as thankful as I am for their existence. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magical caress of this mesmerizing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Lady Messiah is about a woman in your life who you idolise. Someone who you look up to and cherish, whether it’s your mum, sister, daughter, auntie, elder, or even your next door neighbour - the song connects with every woman that has been there in our lives, past, or present.

Everyone can relate to this track, which is why we are so excited to finally release it. No matter where they are in the world, she’ll always be there."


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"Lady Messiah" by Corella Music Video

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