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Miles Away

One of my favorites out there is back in the lands of the wolf, say hello to Rye Milligan and the heartfelt and honest tale of “Miles Away”. With this always captivating and unique musical approach, he gives life to a world so human, so raw and very necessary. It’s a track that understands that life is not easy, it’s made of ups and downs that times feel like too much, but thankfully most of us are blessed to not be alone. It knows that distance will never be a big enough reason to not be there for someone you care for.

There’s something about “Miles Away” that feels cathartic and while personal for Rye, manages to give listeners a sense of peace and understanding. It came at a perfect time for me, and I hope it does the same for you as you let its verses come alive and speak to your heart and soul. So, listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magic of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

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