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Makes for a Good Story

Editor's Notes Raw, honest and fragile melodies and lyrics that caress our very souls.

From the US comes the indie singer/songwriter Matt Sztyk AKA Brite Spot with the honest and insightful sonic creation that is "Makes for a Good Story". With this raw blend of melodies and lyrics, the talented artist opens his heart and soul to let us see the fragile truth of our human condition. The track flows with ease, caressing our senses as it gently pulls us into its arms, never to let go of us.

There's something quite lush and powerful about this soundscape that just hits you like a sucker punch and leaves you wanting more and more of it, for it feels so yours while being his. "Makes for a Good Story" is a song blessed by the goddess of music for it deserves all your attention and to be part of you personal playlist. So listen closely because there's a connection waiting for you within the unknown confines of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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