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Editor's Notes Hauntingly bittersweet, honest and down-to-earth blend of melodies and lyrics.

From the Netherlands comes the amazing indie band Pathways with a fantastic and captivating soundscape, say hello to "M". With this refreshing and relatable blend of melodies and lyrics they explore what it means to put things in the balance and how there are voices inside us that see the good and the bad. The track embraces those moment in which you are doubtful in a relationship and you start wondering what path to take. It understands that things are not as simple as just saying them, they need to really be taken into consideration as the heart, the mind, the soul and something unknown discuss what to do.

There's something so human and so raw about "M" that you can't help but feel it yours as much as it is theirs. We have all been in those moments, we might want to deny it but doubt always makes itself present and sometimes it's right to do so. So listen closely and find inspiration and understanding within the realm of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Pathways