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Lovely Enough

Editor's Notes A refreshingly honest and vulnerable blend of melodies and lyrics that are sure to connect with more than a few.

US-based indie singer/songwriter Emily James comes to Wolf in a Suit with a personal and quite eye-opening musical creation, say hello to "Lovely Enough". With this wonderfully crafted blend of melodies and lyrics, she speaks from personal experience and shares the inner works of her own heart and mind. The track speaks about society and how sadly we as a whole have placed so much pressure on her and all to women to fit a mold and be some sort of ideal, when their male counterparts are far from that.

"Lovely Enough" perfectly showcases how she has been made to believe that she is not good enough, when in reality she and all women are more than enough, more than what we deserve, the closest to the divine I can think of. On behalf of the group of humanity I am a part of, I am sorry because there should never have been any sort of pressure on her or anyone, because were are all beautifully imperfect and that gives life some much-needed flavor and touch of magic.

So listen closely and find some inspiration, some connection and something special awaiting within the confines of "Lovely Enough". Fall prey to the subtle fire and mesmerizing lesson offered by this stunningly unique must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“It’s about the feeling that you can't truly be yourself because of the fear that you might not be accepted or liked for the person you are on the inside. So often women grow up with the pressure to measure up to some ideal that society has created; to act and behave a certain way, to look a certain way, and to keep our emotions to a minimum in order to fit in and not be 'too much.' It's very easy to go down a destructive path when you are so focused on pleasing everyone by trying to be the 'perfect' version of yourself and end up losing your true self in the process." 

Emily James about "Lovely Enough"

More of Emily James