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Knuckles White

US-based up-and-coming indie singer/songwriter Ellie Temple comes to Wolf in a Suit with her debut single, say hello to the world of "Knuckles White". With this exceptional showcase of feelings and emotions she takes us on a rollercoaster that is sure to grab a hold of our senses from the moment we press play. It's a track that explores the aftermath of a breakup and how hard it can be at times to move on and head in a different direction without constantly hoping for something to pull you into that previously walked path.

"Knuckles White" mourns all that was had in that relationship and aims to accept that we need to loosen the grip, because there's no going back now. It knows that we all have a tendency to fall into this when things end, some more than others, but it's normal and saying goodbye is part of the process. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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