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je t’efface

The uber-talented French/American indie singer/songwriter Ariane Gabriel comes to us once more with the sonic realm of "je t'efface". With this exquisite and refreshingly hypnotizing mix of melodies and lyrics she gives life to a world that speaks to us in French and English as it caresses our senses and brings us in. It's a track that knows how to stand out and make us feel invested in what's transpiring within its verses from the moment you press play.

There's something about "je t'efface" that is quite relatable and honest, exploring the aftermath of a breakup and how things can become clearer in this new stage. It's a soundscape that is mesmerizing and truly captivating, allowing us to sing and dance as it all comes alive. So listen closely and find a bit of your own experiences within this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"'Je T’efface' is about removing an ex from the picture... ‘Je T’efface’ quite literally means ‘I erase you’ in French. I wrote this song when I was in that stage in the breakup where you're almost done mourning the relationship, getting ready to move on but your lives are still intertwined-- same friends, same town, same favorite sushi restaurant.. but you’re not together anymore.

It’s almost IMPOSSIBLE not to run into them. It's also about looking back at the relationship with the rose tinted glasses removed and finally realizing that not everything was as romantic and poetic as it seemed to be at the time.. Like in the first verse “c’est que de la prose, c’est plus poétique’ translates to “it’s just prose, it’s no longer poetic”

Ariane Gabriel

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