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Editor's Notes Indie Rock bound for greatness that is sure to caress your senses and offer you a mesmerizing soundscape to explore.

US-based indie rock band Widows Gold comes to Wolf in a Suit with an ethereal and haunting sound, courtesy of "Inside". With this captivating and down-to-earth blend of melodies and lyrics they give us passion, warmth and a place to feel at home. The vocals understand this responsibility and manage to guide us through the verses in a way that connects with us from start to end. Plus, the instruments paid attention to the message and gave the voice and lyrics a perfect place to shine, bringing it all together in this marvelous soundscape.

They open up their hearts and souls to give life to something beautiful and mesmerizing for us as they tell a story about love and how wonderful it can be. The soundscape inspires and brings joy for it explores the wonders of two hearts colliding in the most hypnotizing and everlasting fashion.

There's no denying that this band has something special and if this fire continues to burn as I hope it does then "Inside" will just be a gateway for all music lovers. So listen closely and add them to your playlists for this song is something else and this band is made of that unknown magic that makes music so wonderful. Enjoy the ride and explore the must-listen reality of "Inside".

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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