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Help Yourself

Editor's Notes Honest and playful soundscape that invites you let someone else's hate just slide right out the door.

US-based Ukrainian indie singer/songwriter Lina Cooper comes to Wolf in a Suit with the inspiring sonic creation that is "Help Yourself". With this refreshing blend of melodies and lyrics she throws shade at someone, but most importantly she throws good vibes at herself. She knows that sadly there's always going to be people out there that throw hate for the heck of it, and she has no time for that. She embraces the sweet escape provided by the verses and let's the soundscape unfold and give her a chance to just tell that person to lookout for herself instead of looking at what others do.

Honestly, it's quite fun to hear and offers us all a chance to connect the dots and find a bit of ourselves within it. So listen closely and fall prey to the hypnotizing vibes of the contemporary must-listen gem that is "Help Yourself". Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

I wrote this song about my friend's ex-girlfriend that hated my guts (and actually dropped a song about me that went viral). But instead of hating her back, this is my way of saying "go bother someone else with your miserable life". I wanted to have a song that I could listen to whenever I feel not good enough and feel better. Something I could scream in the car and dance to.

Lina Cooper about "Help Yourself"

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