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Editor's Notes Refreshing, honest and relatable coming of age story that explores the questions that arise in your 20's.

From Australia comes the fantastic and uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Angela Rose with her latest track, say hello to "24". With this refreshingly relatable and honest blend of melodies and lyrics she explores that moment in your 20's in which you start to wonder what are you doing with your life. There's something so down-to-earth and raw about this soundscape that it will surely hit home for more than a few listeners.

"24" is a track that speaks from the heart and soul of not just the artist but the person behind the music, making it quite easy to relate with. So listen closely and find a bit of yourself within this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“I wrote 24 at a time where I was feeling a little lost. It was almost suddenly after turning 24 that I noticed myself drifting away from being so sure of myself at a younger age, to then suddenly being hit with ‘oh shit, what am I doing with my life!?’.“

Angela Rose

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