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US-based indie singer/songwriter Kayls comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and gives us the chance to explore the world of "Hatch". With this refreshingly honest and down-to-earth showcase of feelings and emotions she gives life to a tale that speaks of a time in which a relationship needs to step away from the fantasy and see how it does in the real world. It understands that we all protect that new thing in our lives and tend to not let it see the raw or harsh truth of the world, for me want to keep hidden and only ours.

"Hatch" is an absolutely amazing addition to an already exciting and riveting body of work, and I am sure it will be a fan favorite. It knows that love needs a bit of a test to know it's meant to last and this song understands this, so it aims to test the waters with a smile, hoping for the best. It hits the spot and invites us to explore from start to end, finding that push to sing, dance, and be free within it. So listen closely and find a bit of yourself within this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Something is seemingly safe in an incubator, it’s when that thing enters the world that it can be harmed. Hatch is a song about a love that feels so good in its safe space but it's nearing that moment when it must meet reality. When things stay protected forever they never grow. It is with trial and tribulation that love and a connection between two can become a real lasting relationship and that’s what this song is about. Kind of like, hey let's see if we can grow because we're great together and there’s nothing to be afraid of. The song really brings you into that feeling."

KAYLS about "Hatch"

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