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Feel Like

Editor's Notes A captivating and beautiful soundscape perfect for the summer season.

From the US comes the fantastic indie singer/songwriter Leah Marlene with her latest musical adventure, say hello to the sonic creation that is "Feel Like". With this captivating blend of melodies and lyrics she manages to perfectly embody the freeing magic that the summer season brings to us. The track grabs a hold of us from start to end, taking us for a ride that is simply quite fun and in a way refreshingly cinematic.

With "Feel Like" she paints a picture that could perfectly fit any and all picture frames, letting all listeners find a bit of themselves within this realm. The soundscape is catchy, soothing and can even be romantic if you wanted it to be so for it embraces your senses whole and lets your imagination explore what dwells within it. So listen closely and fall prey to the magical unknown that makes this song an absolute must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Leah Marlene