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From the UK comes the absolutely amazing indie band Artio, and they arrive to us with the powerful sonic creation that is "Babyface". With this exhilarating and uniquely captivating showcase of feelings and emotions, they give life to a world so human, so raw and yet so rarely explored. They open the doors to a world that is palpable and real, yet society tends to look away from it and nowadays it seems to have become a reason to argue or for relationships to break.

With "Babyface" there's something here that we must all really pay attention, because maybe the story is not yours, but you never know what they world holds. I appreciate the fire and passion with which the verses are given life for they manage to grab a hold of our senses instantly from the moment we press play. So listen closely and fall prey to the in-your-face magic that makes this song a must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“Title track, ‘Babyface’, is a love letter to trans masc./ female to male trans people who are sick of people not recognizing who they are now. It’s a brutal self-reflective announcement that the girl you knew, loved, raised etc. is gone and you have stop expecting her to come back. It’s a comment on how girls are raised in society and the strange detachment you feel to the idea of being a ‘girl’ growing up, then the euphoria of discovering the language to understand who you are, only to have the people you love the most deny that that girl isn’t you anymore. If it’s the last thing I’ll ever do, you will see me for who I am.”


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