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Falling Apart

Editor's Notes Musical escapism that caresses our senses and invites us to be part of the world that lies within it.

From the UK comes the fantastic and absolutely talented indie band, SEA GIRLS, with their latest single, say hello to “Falling Apart”. With this track they continue to cement their name in the music scene of their country, their continent and the world as a whole. The track showcases a maturity that is refreshing to find and makes this band, one to always be on the lookout for as they manage to deliver every single time. The vocals are perfection and embrace the lyrics of "Falling Apart" with such a natural understanding of what feelings and emotions reside within it, while the instruments make sure to give it the right place to shine.

This soundscape is just another wonderful example of what the guys have to offer the world as they craft a mesmerizing and utterly intoxicating musical gem. There’s truly no escaping the fiery talent of this fantastic band and as you can listen, why would you want to escape from it. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet escape offered provided by this hypnotizing must-listen gem. Enjoy the ride that awaits inside "Falling Apart"!

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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