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Hard Vision

Editor's Notes A mesmerizing French musical delicacy for the senses bound to become a fan-favorite.

Prepare your senses for a trip to an unknown land, courtesy of French artist La Biche, say hello to the world of "Hard Vision". With this exquisite blend of melodies and lyrics, she gives pop a seductive and intriguing touch, that allows it to really invite us in and feel so ours. The track flows with ease and caresses the airwaves that surround us with such careful and intoxicating moments, making it a must for any music lover. There's no escaping that unknown magic that resides within this soundscape, making it a perfect addition for any playlist.

"Hard Vision" is a wonderful musical creation that serves to give you an adventure that you didn't known you needed but now you find yourself wanting more. So listen closely and fall prey to the must-listen nature of this fantastic track. Enjoy!

“Efface cette “hard vision” qui me hante. Efface cette “Hard vision” que j’ai de moi-même. Cette track est tout simplement le parcours d’amour pour les vaincre. L’instrumentale prend de la place par rapport aux paroles sur cette piste, c’était assez automatique d’écrire comme ça, je crois qu’elle incarne le chemin que j’ai parcouru et que j’ai voulu mettre en avant. Retrouver l’insouciance du Groove, la sensualité du monde"

La Biche

Location: France

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