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Did It My Way

Editor's Notes A catchy and inspiring showcase of feelings and emotions.

France and the UK come together to give life to a marvelous musical real, say hello to "Did It My Way" by YAOUNDÉBOXINGCLUB and tmdistant. With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, they explore the harsh reality of success and how easy it's to forget that there's hard work and dedication going on behind close doors. The song is an invitation to not loose yourself in all the noise and remember that there will always be naysayers trying to push you down.

There's something about "Did It My Way" that I hope strikes a chord with more than a few listeners, inspiring us all and letting us know that our dreams are our own to achieve. So listen closely, explore this story and find a bit of yourself waiting within the confines of this truly amazing must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“I guess I’m a nice person who always tries to help others out when I can and even when I can’t sometimes, and that really hasn’t worked out in my favour. People tend to take advantage of that and I know it. I used to let it slide, until recently, when I realised that I wouldn’t get where I want in life if I didn’t put myself first. This song is about that realisation.”



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