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Body Double

Editor's Notes A refreshing mix of sadness and wit that is quite intoxicating.

From the UK comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Erica Manzoli and she does so with her latest single, say hello to "Body Double". With this marvelous and honest blend of melodies and lyrics, she gives life to a tale so real and so human. The song explores the aftermath of a breakup and how one side has moved on rather quickly...but there's a catch. The other side seems to have a type and moved on with someone that looks too close to you.

There's something about "Body Double" that is sure to feel too relatable for some as this situation is strangely too familiar. The song embraces this situation with the bittersweet taste it's meant to have but as it evolves, it starts to feel sort of cathartic and inspiring in a way. So listen closely and fall prey to the subtle push of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Written after a break-up, I found it difficult to see how easily I was replaced - by someone who looked suspiciously similar! Hence the title, 'Body Double'."

Erica Manzoli

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