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Dead Body

Editor's Notes Refreshingly honest and relatable indie pop soundscape.

Uber-talented Irish indie singer/songwriter KEHLI comes to Wolf in a Suit with the honest and personal sonic creation that is "Dead Body". With this refreshingly powerful and relatable blend of melodies and lyrics she speaks of someone who you know is bad news and always tries to come back but you already know the baggage they come with. The song speaks to us with such passion and energy that just invites to sing, dance and feel these verses become as much yours as they are hers.

"There's something about "Dead Body" that just hits the spot and embraces our own adventures and mishaps in the realm of love. So listen closely and find a bit of yourself looking back from within these down-to-earth verses. Embrace the anger, the passion and the freedom that awaits within this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"Dead Body is an anthem I would love to hear people in a crowd scream back to me! It’s crazy to think, some people have also been through the same thing I went through – a super toxic relationship! So this one is for them, it’s a ‘release anthem’ if you like! A moment to realise your self-worth and how much you don’t deserve to be treated badly by anyone for the sake of love.

This song closed a very long overdue chapter for me which really, never should have started in the first place (!) but what I’ve taken from that experience, is now knowing what I DON’T want in a relationship and I’m spelling it out! Lol. This song is about KNOWING YOUR WORTH!!!"


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