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Editor's Notes Honest, inviting and refreshingly fun to hear.

UK-based indie singer/songwriter VC Pines comes to us once more and delivers the sonic adventure that is "Dangling". With this refreshingly catchy and honest blend of melodies and lyrics he invites us to accept the power of our own minds and how at times it can lead to making a bad decision even worse. Something about the song softens the blow as we know we are getting a nice lesson into who we all are.

"Dangling" is not only fun to hear, but also quite intoxicating and freeing as it paints a picture so human and relatable from start to end. There's a strange sense of comradery found within the confines of these verses as we can see that there is something for everyone here. So listen closely and explore the raw magic of this captivating must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

“Dangling is a culmination of bad habits, late nights and broken relationships. BUT. The fact that these are exacerbated by things that are all in your head. I was put on lamotrigine after my epilepsy diagnosis and my moods would swing like Newton's cradle. I thought that people were thinking things or saying things or that they were acting a certain way towards me due to reasons I’d made up in my head and eventually this tore down some strong relationships I had.

Late nights and alcohol didn’t fix anything when I thought they would. Really, if I’d just asked questions, things could have been different. So Dangling is a reminder to be open, and not fester in your own assumptions."

VC Pines

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