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Two sides of what at times seem to be the same coin come together in sonic creation that is "Candy" by Anna Leonard. With this refreshingly honest and captivating blend of melodies and lyrics she explores the harsh reality of love and sadness and how at times they are destined to dance together. She tells us a story of a relationship filled with hope and heartfelt fantasy, yet destined to end because love is not and there's more needed in the mix. There's something about this soundscape that just knows how to connect the dots and speak to your heart and soul.

"Candy" is a raw and honest tale that aims to showcase a very real possibility when it comes to matters of the heart. She guides us through this world not to break us but to share with us that love needs more than hope and simple romance, for it requires both sides to be willing to partake in it. So listen closely and enjoy the ride that awaits within this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Anna Leonard