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Editor's Notes Playful and down-to-earth storytelling that caresses your senses and invites you to explore this sonic realm.

Australian indie pop-rock bad The Moving Stills come to Wolf in a Suit with the sonic adventure that is "Better". With this playful and refreshing blend of melodies and lyrics, they invite us to explore a world so personal and yet so universal and enticing. They tell a story of a relationship that embraces the beauty and the good that can be found in it while understanding that things are not always easy but worth the try.

They understand what our senses need in order to tell our imagination to get hooked and embrace that magic that is holds. They pull us in with a welcoming dose of storytelling that is perfectly balance with the musical charm that is offered. There's no denying that "Better" is one hell of a ride and an absolute must-listen gem for all music lovers. So listen closely and enjoy the ride!

“It’s a story about seeing the good despite the challenges in a relationship. We wrote ‘Better’ about that and how having someone in your life that you care about is a great thing. Focusing on how the other person makes you feel. Even when you’re missing them, knowing you’ll see each other again creates excitement.” 

Tommy of The Moving Stills

Location: Australia

To listen on Apple Music

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