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Bad for Me

Editor's Notes A welcomed bittersweet blend of melodies and lyrics.

Los Angeles-based indie singer/songwriter Dylan Dunlap comes to us with an honest and relatable sonic creation, say hello to "Bad for Me". With this down-to-earth showcase of feelings and emotions he explores the harsh truth behind some relationships, sometimes you are giving more than what you are receiving. The track understands that being with someone, whether as friends, family or romantic, means putting effort to ensure the relationship is solid and built on something mutual.

"Bad for Me" is a soundscape bound to hit a few nerves but in that possibility lies it's magic and relatable touch. There's no denying that we humans are fragile and sometimes we take time to see when something or someone is not good for us. He knows this like we do and manages to paint a picture so personal to him and also to us. So listen closely and connect the dots as your heart and soul paint a picture guided by the verses of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

"...the reason why I care so much about family in music is because I come from a broken family myself. It means everything to me to be able to prove that you can succeed alongside your closest friends in this industry and celebrate the highs/lows together. I’ve had to learn the hard way that not everybody’s going to have my best interest at heart, but I’m grateful for any opportunity to learn how to stand up for the love & respect that I deserve.”

Dylan Dunlap on "Bad for Me"

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