Indie Pop

Music Video: “Shot Shot Cherry” by Lola Marsh

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“Shot Shot Cherry” by Lola Marsh

From Israel comes an absolutely amazing musical creation called “Shot Shot Cherry”, courtesy of the indie band Lola Marsh. With this fantastic blend of melodies and lyrics, they give us all and more than we could need and for that I am thankful. The track flows with ease and manages to not only caress our senses but invite us into a world unknown yet playful and intoxicating. The soundscape balances the vocals and instruments perfectly, giving us something to sing along and to dance as we realize that we are one with its magic.

There’s no denying that not only is this song a sonic adventure, but with the visuals, it brings it all together and makes for a one-of-a-kind experience. So listen, see and just fall prey to the flavor of the musical ambrosia that makes it a must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

“‘Shot Shot Cherry’ was written in a time of global uncertainty. In the middle of our European tour, we had to stop everything and return home because of the covid outbreak. We were feeling depressed, helpless and like the rest of the world, all we could do was wait. So we wrote this song, and it was like the lyrics wrote themselves.”

Lola Marsh

Location: Israel

To listen on Spotify click HERE

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