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Listen: “Freak Like Me” by Munan

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“Freak Like Me” by Munan

With a sweet taste for showmanship and playful melodies come the uber-talented Munan with the exquisite sonic adventure that is “Freak Like Me”. With this enticing and refreshingly captivating blend of melodies and lyrics, he gives us absolute musical perfection. The track flows with ease, caressing our senses and becoming one with the airwaves that surround us in a way that is quite unique and intoxicating. Vocally the track is not only charming but inviting, making sure you feel at home as the soundscape unfolds and the story pulls you in.

There’s no denying that all who listen are in for a special treat that is sure to turn them all into fans of this talented South Korean-Australian artist. So listen closely, dance a bit and fall in love with the sweet magical of this must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: South Korea / Australia

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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