Indie Pop Indie Folk

Listen: “You” by Bear2 ft. Bree Mays

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“You” by Bear2 ft. Bree Mays

US-based indie singer/songwriter Bear2 comes to Wolf in a Suit once more and delivers the powerful sonic creation that is “You”. Not only does he give us a fantastic soundscape but also allows to enjoy his voice and that of Bree Mays. Together they explore the raw reality of these verses in a way that is powerful and honest, pulling us in and giving us the chance to be part of its reality. The track blends melodies and lyrics in a mature fashion that perfectly showcases how one can take it your own two hands and destroy a relationship.

There’s something so powerful and true about this soundscape that welcomes us and strangely to give us peace and that push to move on (if you haven’t already from what was). So listen closely and embrace the honest touch of this majestic and utterly mesmerizing must-listen gem that showcases two voices in sync and so amazing. Enjoy the ride from start to end and become a fan of not only Bear2 but also of Bree Mays.

Location: USA

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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