Indie Pop Indie Folk Videos Video

Music Video: “Night Moves” by Lissie

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“Night Moves” by Lissie

The fantastic and absolutely talented indie singer/songwriter Lissie comes to Wolf in a Suit with the sonic creation that is “Night Moves”. With this exquisite musical adventure, she offers us a chance to explore a world unknown yet instantly magnetic and inviting. Her voice is firm, passionate and has that unknown touch that just connects with each listener, making them feel part of the story that lies within this song. The soundscape understands how to caress your senses and give your imagination a place to roam wild and free.

Plus, the visuals embrace the magic of the verses and enhance the experience in a way that absolutely mesmerizing from start to end. There’s no denying that this is song is not only special and human, but it can only labeled as a must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: USA

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Lissie