Indie Pop

Listen: “Midas” by ari hicks

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“Midas” by ari hicks

From Canada comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter ari hicks with the intoxicating sonic creation that is “Midas”. With this exquisite mix of melodies and lyrics, she gives life to an absolutely stunning tale sure to find a place to call home within all of us. Her voice is raw, rebellious and absolutely hypnotizing as it speaks to us and pulls us in to explore this reality she has crafted. There’s something about the soundscape that just connects the dots and leads us to feel strangely inspired by the power that is part of it.

This track has absolutely everything to be a fan favorite and a gateway into her world for she has talent to spare and a fire that burns. So listen closely and find the strength to be true to yourself and accept the beauty and the flaws that make you be you. Enjoy the adventure that awaits within this stunning must-listen gem. Enjoy!

“The story of Midas is a cautionary tale, the perfect example of the phrase “be careful what you wish for”. I’m someone that has a hard time convincing myself not to dwell, and has an even harder time pulling myself out of it once there. This song is representative of that moment of peace in letting something go and turning into something that no longer hinders you but strengthens you. Like I said, there’s beauty in chaos, I’d love to encourage more and more people to find it for themselves.” 

ari hicks

Location: Canada

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

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