Indie Pop

Listen: “Velvet Sun” by King Kuda

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“Velvet Sun” by King Kuda

UK-based indie pop-rock band King Kuda comes to Wolf in a Suit with the intoxicating sonic creation that is “Velvet Sun”. With this stunning blend of melodies and lyrics, the talented ensemble gives life to a tale so human yet so beautifully surreal. The track flows with ease and caresses our senses, showcase a welcomed duality that explore an inner struggle that dwells inside all of us. There’s something about this soundscape that just speaks to us and embraces us in a warm and mesmerizing reality that is just exquisite.

The track is without a shadow of a doubt an absolutely stunning addition to their growing body of work and to any playlist. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet magic of the musical ambrosia that makes this song a must-listen gem. Enjoy!

“‘Velvet Sun’ is inspired by the inner struggle between doing what feels good and doing what feels right, and how hard it can be to tell the difference. The verses represent the rational, sensible voice in your head, while the chorus encourages you to let go of your anxieties and enjoy the moment.” 

King Kuda

Location: United Kingdom

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of King Kuda