Indie Pop

Listen: “Play It Cool” by SEKI

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“Play It Cool” by SEKI

From Thailand comes the absolutely amazing indie singer/songwriter SEKI with his latest single, say hello to “Play it cool”. With this refreshingly playful and charming blend of melodies and lyrics, the young artists offers us another world to connect with. The track flows with such natural ease, pulling us in and allowing us to find a bit of ourselves within this reality. His voice is soothing and hypnotizing and serves as the perfect guide as the soundscape unfolds and the verses paint a picture so vivid and true.

There’s no denying that he has created a special song that can easily shine in any place in the world for it has that special unknown touch. So listen closely and fall prey to the sweet and gentle magic of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

Location: Thailand

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of SEKI