Indie Pop Videos Video

Music Video: “Eyes of the Ego” by Sheenah Ko

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“Eyes of the Ego” by Sheenah Ko

From the Canada comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Sheenah Ko with the unique sonic creation that is “Eyes of the Ego”. With this stunning and ethereal showcase of feelings and emotions she offers us a chance to explore a world unknown and so enticing. The track blend melodies and lyrics perfectly, allowing the story to unfold and caress our senses as our imagination roams freely through this newly-discovered land. Her voice is absolute perfection as it gently pulls us in, making sure we are able to find a bit of ourselves within this realm she has crafted.

Not only is the track a sonic adventure but also manages to get even better with the company of the visuals that brings it all together. There’s something special about this soundscape that is sure to connect with all who listen and see. So come with me and together let us explore the world of this must-listen/must-see gem. Enjoy!

Location: Canada

To listen on Spotify click HERE

More of Sheenah Ko