Indie Pop Indie Folk

Listen: “Like I Do” by Emily Lubitz

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“Like I Do” by Emily Lubitz

From Australia comes the uber-talented indie singer/songwriter Emily Lubitz with the most amazing track for all the people in love, say hello to “Like I Do”. With this exquisite showcase of feelings and emotions she explores what it means to grow up and mature with someone special by your side as your reminisce about the past and look at the future with hopeful eyes. The track understands that we all change in and our lives take unexpected curves along the way bringing unknown events along for the ride to make things have a bit of flavor.

She speaks for personal experience and manages to connect the dots for everyone as the subject is universal and allows us to find a bit ourselves reflected in this mesmerizing soundscape. There’s no denying that this song is sure to become a fan favorite and personally, it already is one of mine because it understood how my heart feels for my special someone. So listen, imagine and explore the wonderful realm of this contemporary must-listen gem. Enjoy!

“When a relationship spans many years it contains many lifetimes. This song is about looking back to when things started and how different it is now. How our lives turn and curve and the common denominator is the person we have shared it with. Actually, our partner changes and curves too and so do we, so maybe the common denominator is love. From being young musicians in Melbourne, drinking bourbon and pretending we know everything, to being the parents of three children and realising we know very little, it’s a big range. And we are still learning. Like I Do is a love song too.”

Emily Lubitz

Location: Australia

To listen on Apple Music click HERE

More of Emily Lubitz